Media Releases

VANCOUVER – Environmental lawyers are congratulating the federal government on the introduction in Parliament today of the proposed Oil Tanker Moratorium Act, which marks a critical step forward in efforts to protect the north Pacific coast from the risk of oil spills.

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

Ottawa, ON – Today, 21 leading charities and non-profit organizations reacted to a new independent Expert Panel Report by requesting the federal government immediately table a bill to implement the recomm

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws

Environmental lawyers say Expert Panel report should be a floor, not a ceiling

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Canada's Environmental Reviews, Environmental Assessment

Canadians show support for a new law and stronger environmental safeguards

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – West Coast Environmental Law Association issued the following statement in response to today’s release of a report from the Standing C


VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – More than 50 community groups from across BC  have signed onto an open letter arguing that fossil fuel companies owe BC communities for their fair share of the impacts of climate change.

Topics: Climate and Energy

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – Today’s announcement to approve the risky Kinder Mountain Trans Mountain Expansion is a disappointing, but unsurprising betrayal for generations of British Columbians. The BC Government’s 37 conditions do nothing to mitigate the risks of the project.

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers


EA review shows Canadians want more robust, fairer decision-making processes

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews


Topics: Climate and Energy


Topics: Climate and Energy, Indigenous Law


VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – A new provincial government report shows that the Ministry of Environment needs to do more to protect British Columbians from toxins and other pollution, according to lawyers at West Coast Environmental Law.



VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – West Coast Environmental Law Association issued the following statement in response to the federal government’s announcement today regarding new marine safety initiatives:

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews


Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews, Climate and Energy

Williams Lake, BC – MiningWatch Canada today filed a private prosecution against the B.C. government and the Mount Polley Mining Corporation for violations of the federal Fisheries Act in connection with the largest mine waste disaster in Canadian history.

Topics: Environmental Legal Aid

For Immediate Release

Environmental lawyers present “12 pillars” of a next-generation environmental assessment regime

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews


Topics: Climate and Energy

Federal government announces four-member panel to review environmental legislation

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews


St. John’s, NL– A new initiative by West Coast Environmental Law proposes strong new laws for ocean protection to permanently safeguard one of Canada’s ocean wonders – the Great Bear Sea.



Time to implement tanker ban is now, says West Coast Environmental Law

Topics: Climate and Energy


Federal government announces long-awaited review of environmental legislation

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews

New report highlights need for strategic regional environmental assessment (EA) as federal government prepares to overhaul EA processes in Canada

Topics: Canada's Environmental Reviews

New report highlights risks of Kinder Morgan pipeline project

Topics: Climate and Energy

Houston, TX- A diverse group of pipeline opponents – including Indigenous representatives, lawyers, community organizers and residents from both sides of the Canada-US border – is meeting in Houston today, ahead of the 2016 annual general meeting for stockholders of Kinder Morgan

Topics: Climate and Energy